Portrait of NHS Fife Staff Heroes
By Alan Stephens

Oil Painting
Subject Matter
Reg. Number
Victoria Hosptal

Thank you Alan Stephens for very generously gifting this artwork to the NHS Fife Collection.

During the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020 St Andrews artist, Alan Stephens painted this tribute of NHS Fife staff and donated it to NHS Fife in recognition of the collective actions of the staff in treating patients
.Born in Portsmouth, Alan Stephens trained as an electronics engineer, and took up painting as a hobby in 1974. In 1990, after 25 years with the BBC, he started painting full time, and has had a regular stream of commissions for his work, which are mainly portraits, although any subject is undertaken. His landscapes are usually local views around his home in St Andrews, and he mainly uses oils.
His work is represented in private collections around the world.

Alan has been a demonstrator at the Art Materials Exhibition at the Design Centre, Islington London, and was a tutor at the local Adult Education Centres in Oxfordshire, and is a former tutor with the St Andrews Art Club. He also gives demonstration and workshops to Art Clubs around Fife.

Alan has won many prizes throughout his career. He was a runner-up in the 1992 national competition for acrylic paintings, organised by the Liquitex Company, and has won the Presidents Prize at the St Andrews Art Club Summer exhibition three times, (runner up twice), for the most votes by the general public. Alan is a past President of the St Andrews Art Club.

NHS Fife recognises the importance that art plays in creating an environment conducive to good health and well being. Our collection of artwork is intended to be enjoyed by patients, their visitors and staff alike.


Contact Mark McGeachie, Fife Health Charity via email on fife.healthcharity@nhs.scot.